AML Analyst By The Hour - 40 hours
Excluding GST
Utilse one of our Australian based AML Analysts to assist your business with KYC, ongoing watchlist screening alert review, ECDD and regulatory report drafting.
Purchase this service pack for up to 40 hours of AML compliance work per 30 day period.
- Our team of analysts are experts in the use of First AML Source for KYC.
- If your business uses a solution other than Source, you will be responsible for training our analyst in how the solution works. Please allow 1 to 2 hours of the purchased time to be consumed by training. While we will endeavour to dedicate the same analyst to any future purchases of 'AML Analyst By The Hour', this cannot be guaranteed.
- Any technology used by our analyst must be accessable via a web-browser and remote access must be supported.
- AML Analysts are to be booked 48 hours in advance.
- Terms and conditions apply.