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Regular AML/CTF Training is Essential for High-Value Dealers in Australia


High-value dealers in Australia, including those trading in precious metals, jewellery, antiques and luxury vehicles, operate in sectors that are particularly vulnerable to money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF) risks. Given the high value and often portable nature of the goods involved, these businesses are attractive targets for criminals looking to launder illicit funds. To combat these risks, Australian law requires high-value dealers to implement robust Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) measures, including regular risk awareness training for employees.

AUSTRAC mandates that businesses, including high-value dealers, provide tailored AML/CTF risk awareness training for employees working in roles that are exposed to ML/TF risk. This training is not merely a compliance exercise but a vital part of safeguarding your business from being exploited for illegal activities. Here’s why regular training is essential:

1. Understanding Obligations Under the AML/CTF Act and Rules

High-value dealers must ensure that their employees understand the obligations imposed by the AML/CTF Act and Rules. This includes knowing what constitutes a suspicious transaction, the importance of customer due diligence and the specific reporting requirements. Regular training keeps employees informed about their legal responsibilities and how to fulfill them, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

2. Awareness of Consequences for Non-Compliance

Failing to comply with AML/CTF obligations can have severe consequences, including significant fines, legal action and damage to your business’s reputation. For high-value dealers, these consequences could be devastating, given the reliance on trust and credibility in these sectors. Regular training reinforces the importance of compliance and the potential repercussions of falling short, ensuring that employees remain vigilant and proactive.

3. Identification and Mitigation of ML/TF Risks

High-value dealers face unique ML/TF risks due to the high-value and often untraceable nature of the goods they trade. Regular training helps employees understand these risks, such as the potential for criminals to use luxury goods as a means of laundering money. By educating employees on how to identify suspicious behaviour and transactions, businesses can more effectively prevent and respond to ML/TF activities.

4. Understanding AML/CTF Processes and Procedures

Each high-value dealer should have specific AML/CTF processes and procedures tailored to their business. Regular training ensures that employees are familiar with these procedures and know how to implement them effectively. This includes how to conduct thorough customer due diligence, report suspicious activities, and maintain accurate records.

Tailored Training for High-Value Dealers

AUSTRAC’s guidance emphasises that AML/CTF training must be tailored to the specific roles within an organisation. For high-value dealers, this means providing targeted training for employees who are directly involved in high-risk transactions or customer interactions. Part A of an AML/CTF program must include systems and controls to deliver this training effectively, helping the business identify, mitigate and manage its ML/TF risks.

To ensure your training program remains effective:

Regularly Review Training Programs: High-value dealers should regularly review and update their training programs to account for changes in ML/TF risks. This might include new types of high-value goods being traded, shifts in customer demographics, or changes in the regulatory landscape.

Reflect the Current Legal Framework: It’s essential that training programs reflect the current AML/CTF legal framework to ensure employees are up to date with the latest requirements. This helps prevent lapses in compliance that could expose the business to significant risks.

Document Recommended Changes: Any changes or updates to the training program should be documented and implemented as soon as possible. This not only improves the program’s effectiveness but also demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and compliance.

For high-value dealers in Australia, regular AML/CTF training is a critical component of a robust compliance program. By ensuring that employees understand their legal obligations, the potential consequences of non-compliance, the specific risks their business might face, and the processes they must follow, businesses can better protect themselves from ML/TF activities.

AUSTRAC’s guidance makes it clear that tailored, regularly reviewed training is essential for maintaining compliance and mitigating risks. By investing in comprehensive and ongoing training, high-value dealers can empower their employees to detect and prevent ML/TF activities, safeguarding their business and contributing to the broader effort to combat financial crime.

How can WhiteLight AML help you meet your AML Training Obligations?

If you have any concerns about Employee AML Training, your AML Program or simply want to stay on top of AML compliance, contact WhiteLight AML for an obligation free discussion today.

We work with you to provide actionable insights to help your business prevent ML/TF and stay on top of AML/CTF compliance obligations. To find out more, click here for an obligation free call: FIND OUT MORE


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